
Carlos Degollado - Founder/Owner

Software Developer | Google GDSC Lead Alumni '20

Hi there!

A little about myself... My interests are in Mobile Application Software Development, UI Development, as well as Cloud Solutions. I have a love for programming, creative development, problem-solving. A few of my hobbies outside of work include hiking, camping, bike-riding, discussing philosophy, music production, video production, and photography.

I started developing in Android native while in university around 2017. I was chosen to be the Google GDSC Lead for my university (Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL) 20'-21' where I led the group and focused primarily on mobile app development. We hosted a 5 episode YouTube live workshop series on 'How to Build an App From Scratch' where I walked observers through building a basic app, step-by-step.

I have over three years of professional Software Development experience at a logistics company where I developing in-house applications. I've overseen the complete development cycle of projects and can effectively deploy and maintain an app with a large user base with sensitive data.


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Coming soon...

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